Higurashi Daybreak Wiki
Mion guns

Mion with her dual wield pistols

JP Wiki Page

Type  Attack
Neutral Shot  Pistols (Cost: 1 Main)
Charge Shot  Rocket Launcher (Cost: 1 Charge)
Full Charge Shot  Gatling Gun

Main = 30
Charge = 4


Melee Short Range Attacks Mid Range Attacks Long Range Attacks

they predicted higurashi gou

Mion Guns, known officially as Dual-Wielding Handguns (Nichou Kenjyuu "二丁拳銃"), has great projectiles, her pistols being a fast projectile she can use while moving around, including sidestepping, jumping, backdashing, dashing, etcetera. Her missile is a strong projectile with a decent startup. Her Gatling Gun is very powerful, but the opponent is able to sidestep the entirety of it if they see it coming and have enough stamina. It has the potential to deal massive damage, and can be combo'd into from dash attack.

Your strategy with Mion Guns can be shooting many bullets with Main from afar, and using your Charge to combo into it or catch people off-guard. Red Charge in neutral is very risky. You can choose to charge it and then combo into it for massive damage potential off dash attack or when you catch someone off-guard, but you then lose access to your Main shots while charging.


Neutral Shot (NS)[]

Reload time: 0.65 seconds

Full reload time: 10 seconds (to reload 30 shots from 0)

Charge Shot (CS)[]

Reload time: 7 seconds

Full reload time: 14 seconds (to reload 4 shots from 0)

Full Charge Shot (FCS)[]

Charge time: 3.5 seconds

Combos/Tech Tips[]

Mion Guns has a massive damage cashout off of her dash attack, being able to take about 60% of the opponents health by cancelling into Red Charge.

Off of dash attack, you can also get 5 shots of extra OTG damage with Black Charge.

Off of X autocombo, you can get 2 shots of extra OTG damage with Black Charge, and you can combo into Yellow Charge for about 35-40% damage. Autocombo into missile is probably your most useful combo, because you get that much damage off your fastest normal and you can start charging on the second hit, so you don't have to be charging beforehand, you can just hit confirm it.

Off of your j.X, you can do the j.X autocombo into Yellow Charge or OTG Black Charge shots just like X autocombo. For this one however, unlike with the grounded autocombo, you can also do Red Charge to get about a clean 50% damage, but it is risky because the opponent can escape the combo very early due to the number of hits.

Forward X also combos into Yellow Charge, and into Red Charge for about a clean 50%.

Mion Guns combos demonstration
